Update 1: Going Forward

Now that I have uploaded this demo, I am going to create a copy of the game (It's files in Game Maker) as it is now and save if separately from the version that I will continue to work on.  This way I do not risk breaking the Demo levels by updating and changing how the game functions for the full version.

What this means for you is that I will not be actively updating this demo level, I will most likely only incorporate bug fixes I implement into the primary version of the game. This does not mean I won't fix game breaking bugs and the like, and I will probably upload more demo's in the future. 

As for my plans going foreword, they are as follows:

1. I want to plan out and decide what the plot progression for the game will be; what levels the player goes through and in what order, as well as what the game's overall world will look like. 

2. Next I need to determine what levels I want in the game (Like a waterway or a cathedral) and create mock-ups of these levels so that I have a good idea of what every area will be like, and can add in all the assets needed in the level (Enemies, Bosses, Items, Obstacles and stage features.) 

I feel the need to do this because this game is a metroidvania, and I personally find I tend to enjoy these types of games when there worlds are well thought out and are strung together naturally, I'm sure a lot of you would agree. If I know what every level will look like, I can better weave them together and try to create a world that rewards the player for understanding and learning it.

3. Again I will go back to the drawing board, this time to more specifically plan out how everything will go together narratively.

4. Finally I will hopefully be able to put all of my work together and produce the final game, after this will probably be an extensive period of polishing.


And that is generally how I plan to continue working on this game, if anyone has any suggestions or warnings then please feel free to tell me by commenting. Thanks for your time

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